Academics- Career Readiness- Student Life
The Career and Community Studies Program (CCS) @ TCNJ provides a small cohort of students with intellectual disabilities, ages (18-25) with a four-year, residential course of study that utilizes a system of peer mentors.
Peer mentors are central to the program and reflect an important means for inclusion within the college community. A peer mentor is a similar-age TCNJ student that assists and guides a CCS Student for the purposes of unlocking and achieving his or her potential. Mentors provide support for the successful inclusion in traditional college classes, on and off campus field experiences/internships and student life activities.
CCS Mentorship is viewed as a “More than Mentors” relationship in that it goes beyond assistance and should reflect shared experiences that results in mutual benefit. In other words, “More than Mentors” is intended to expand the “typical role” of a mentor, creating opportunities to develop respectful, meaningful and reciprocal relationships.
CCS mentors can provide support in paid, volunteer, and/or credit bearing roles. Applications for mentorship open at the end of each Fall/Spring semester for the following semester.
Availability forms must be submitted with your application. While we do our best to honor specific mentoring role requests, final mentoring offers are based on availability/scheduling. Please see the Application tab for more information.