The Career and Community Studies Program takes pride in supporting employers’ needs by providing them with qualified student interns who are motivated to develop and refine life-long work skills. CCS interns bring dedication, competence and diversity to the work environment. We take pride in supporting employers’ needs by providing them with qualified student interns who are motivated to learn life-long work skills. Our incentive is to help employers save money and secure valuable workers by training, potentially hiring and retaining our students as interns/employees.
What benefits do employers & student interns achieve with our vocational program?
Obtain dedicated, motivated employees
Receive on-going support/training
Develop partnerships with The College of New Jersey and the CCS Program
Take advantage of Work Incentive Tax Refund Opportunities for hired employees
CCS Students:
Attain real-life work experiences
Develop work skills, preferences and interests
Gain an Opportunity to become more independent
Fulfill responsibilities necessary for eventual gainful employment